Research Article from the journal: Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics
Anion–cation contrast of small molecule solvation in salt solutions Stefan Hervø-Hansen, Jan Heyda, Mikael Lund and Nobuyuki Matubayasi The [...]
Research Article published in Chemistry- A European Journal
Thermodynamically Favourable States in the Reaction of Nitrogenase without Dissociation of any Sulfide Ligand. By Hao Jiang and Ulf Ryde. Research [...]
Lundaforskare tar hjälp av superdator för att förklara mystiska experimentresultat
För tio år sedan upptäckte forskare i Lund tecken på att en av fysikens mest fundamentala lagar, Coulombs lag, inte verkade solid i vatten. I [...]
New article published on dye-sensitized solar cells with iron-based dyes, 2021-12-28
Linnea Lindh et al have published a new study of dye-sensitized solar cells with iron-based dyes that includes a combination of novel synthesis, [...]
New article published in Journal of Physical Chemistry B, January 2022
New article published in Journal of Physical Chemistry B, January 2022: Self-Diffusive Properties of the Intrinsically Disordered Protein Histatin 5 [...]
The project ”Making neutron crystallography easy and precise – a software pipeline for realising the full potential of the NMX diffractometer at ESS” has received funding
The project has been awarded 7 850 000 SEK in funding from the VR Grant for Accessibility to Infrastructure and an additional 1 000 000 SEK from [...]
We are happy to congratulate our friend and close collaborator Cliff Woodward, who most deservedly has been selected as an Honorary Doctorate at Lund University
A particle physicist involved in popular education and who made a number of global discoveries in her research portfolio and an experimental professor [...]
Octav Caldararu: Oscar II Stipendium
We are happy to inform that Octav Caldararu have been granted a scholarship from Oscar II Stipendium. Octav Caldararu doctoral thesis has been [...]
Project on “Photofunctional Iron Complexes” receives major funding
A research project to develop and characterize “Photofunctional Iron Complexes” involving the Theoretical Chemistry Division at Lund University has [...]
New Report in Science on Photofunctional Iron Molecules
A team of researchers from Lund University involving researchers at the Theoretical Chemistry Division have developed and characterized the first [...]