Marie Skepö has been appointed SciLifeLab Group Leader
The SciLifeLab research community is a dynamic, interdisciplinary network of scientists from various fields within molecular life sciences, united by [...]

Jan Forsman received funds from Olle Engkvists Stiftelse

Ulf Ryde and Valera Veryazov received grants from eSSENCE
Ulf Ryde Grant: 600 000 SEK/ year, during 2 years. Title: Development of methods to treat metal sites in ligand-binding calculations" Abstract: [...]

Wavefunction methods for solid state matter (WFS-2025) – 25/03- 28/03 2025 – Hotel Arkon Park, Gdańsk, Poland
What is the workshop about? Wavefunction methods, including multiconfigurational theory, are well-established techniques for electronic structure [...]

Nabanita Mandal and Gianluca Utzeri has been awarded research grants from The Royal Physiographic Society of Lund
The Royal Physiographic Society of Lund has decided to award Nabanita Mandal endowments for the Natural Sciences, Medicine and Technology – [...]

Chemical Physics Reviews from American Institute of Physics (AIP) Publishing, appointed Petter Persson, Associate Editor
Chemical Physics Reviews from American Institute of Physics (AIP) Publishing, appointed Petter Persson, Associate Editor. Read more about the news on [...]

Visit Stockholm next summer for SCS2025 – A meeting for everyone with a passion for chemistry!
June 16-18, 2025 | Stockholm, Sweden The 3rd National Meeting of the Swedish Chemical Society, SCS2025, takes place in Stockholm next year. [...]

Physics, chemistry and pharmaceutical sciences join hands. MSCA Doctoral Network hashtag CLIMB is awarded 3.2 M€ EU Horizon Europe funding
The CLIMB - Complex lipid membranes for science and technology doctoral network aims to leverage fundamental research on cell membranes to enhance the [...]

Quantum Chemistry of Excited States” (QCES-2024)
Workshop will take place from November 25 to 29 2024 in Cluj (Romania). The workshop is an excellent opportunity to learn about the theory and [...]

A half-day workshop (a satellite for the Swedish e-Science Academy meeting at Lund) Common challenges in large-scale code development 17/10, 13.00- 17.00
The development and maintenance of large-scale codes in the field of natural science is challenging. Many codes have grown ‘organically’ within [...]